![]() 08/12/2014 at 11:03 • Filed to: discussion | ![]() | ![]() |
i personally think he is right to a point and i dont even live in the US.
![]() 08/12/2014 at 11:11 |
The big question is why doesn't he work at McDonalds then?
Employment has nothing to do with your degree, skills, or experience. It's all about convincing someone to give you money, and there are thousands of ways to do that. Unfortunately, we are taught from a young age that if you do your homework, cross your Ts and dot your Is, you'll end up with a decent job and you won't have to ever do anything you "shouldn't" have to do. Which works great, if you're very intelligent, capable, and in control of your emotions, body, and lifestyle. But that describes pretty much no one.
It's not about fairness, it's about survival. Maybe this post might make one or two employers more receptive to people like him, in which case, it's still a good idea to post it. But whether or not the content rings true for all society is still up for debate.
![]() 08/12/2014 at 11:15 |
I disagree. If the money isn't there they aren't going to just give it to you. I can dress the part, show determination and hard work, show i'm a good fit, be personable, but if you want more than they have they are just going to go to the next person. I've had people say I'll hire you for this and it not be what I want and I pass.
![]() 08/12/2014 at 11:17 |
He definitely has a point but people are also desperate for work so someone will cave sooner or later and take the position for half what they should get. Some employers are just barely running so they might not have the money to pay better, others, sure they just wanna keep the cash for themselves.
![]() 08/12/2014 at 11:19 |
I disagree. If the money isn't there they aren't going to just give it to you.
Then you and I agree, that's basically what I'm saying. All that stuff (looking presentable, etc.) that's what I mean by crossing Ts and Dotting Is, it's like running through a checklist of "things I should do" to get a job, but it doesn't work like that at all. You have to convince them to give you the money you want, or accept what they can give you. If that means working for a few dollars less per hour while you keep finding other jobs, so be it.
![]() 08/12/2014 at 22:16 |
He's right, but what's going on is a natural side-effect of the move to online job postings & talent management software.
Posting jobs online greatly reduces the effort needed to find and apply for them and opens them up to a massively greater audience, so companies get inundated with many times more applications than they could ever possibly review. So, they let the computer do it, and to get the amount down to an even more manageable number for the downsized HR staff to finally look through, they create impossibly specific ideal candidate profiles and filter out anybody that hasn't previously held the exact same job title, with the exact same responsibilities, exact same job description, in the exact same industry for at least 10+ years.
Out of 1,000 applicants, maybe 6 resumes make it through to a human to see, and those 6 go in the trash can anyway because the job was only posted online to satisfy the requirement of at least considering external candidates and they're going to give it to someone already in the company anyway.